Collection F557 - Barclay collection

Zone du titre et de la mention de responsabilité

Titre propre

Barclay collection

Dénomination générale des documents

Titre parallèle

Compléments du titre

Mentions de responsabilité du titre

Notes du titre

Niveau de description


Zone de l'édition

Mention d'édition

Mentions de responsabilité relatives à l'édition

Zone des précisions relatives à la catégorie de documents

Mention d'échelle (cartographique)

Mention de projection (cartographique)

Mention des coordonnées (cartographiques)

Mention d'échelle (architecturale)

Juridiction responsable et dénomination (philatélique)

Zone des dates de production


  • 1796-1827 (Production)
    St. Croix Commission

Zone de description matérielle

Description matérielle

11 microfilm reels : positive.

Zone de la collection

Titre propre de la collection

Titres parallèles de la collection

Compléments du titre de la collection

Mention de responsabilité relative à la collection

Numérotation à l'intérieur de la collection

Note sur la collection

Zone de la description archivistique

Nom du producteur


Histoire administrative

The Treaty of Paris in 1783 established the St. Croix River as the boundary between New Brunswick and the United States, and by the fifth article in Jay's Treaty of 1794, a commission was established to clarify which of two rivers emptying into Passamaquoddy Bay was the St. Croix. Governor Wentworth of Nova Scotia recommended Thomas Barclay as the British Commissioner, and the negotiations ended successfully for the British in 1798 with the most western river, the St. Croix, being established as the boundary. At the end of the War of 1812, the issue of the international boundary between New Brunswick and the United States surfaced again, and it was Thomas Barclay who was appointed once more as the British Commissioner under the terms of the Treaty of Ghent. Ward Chipman served again as the British agent. The Commission dealt with two issues: the ownership of the islands in Passamaquoddy Bay, which they agreed upon in 1817, and the extension of the border from the source of the St. Croix River to the St. Lawrence River. When agreement could not be reached, the latter issue was submitted to the King of the Netherlands for arbitration. In 1831, he issued his decision, which was not accepted by either parties, and the final settlement did not come until 1842 with the Webster-Asburton Treaty. Thomas Barclay's participation in the second boundary commission was his last act of public service. Anthony Barclay (1792-1877), son of Thomas Barclay, also participated in the second boundary commission.

Historique de la conservation

Portée et contenu

The collection consists of correspondence of explorers who surveyed the boundary zones between Canada and the United States, and of several other diplomats, officers and aids who became involved in the arbitration of the border. There are also several bound and unbound manuscripts, including various treaties, arguments, awards, memorials and commissioners' proceedings relating to settlements of the Canadian-American border.

Zone des notes

État de conservation

Source immédiate d'acquisition

Microfilm purchased from the Maine Historical Society


Langue des documents

  • anglais

Écriture des documents

Localisation des originaux

MF 603-613

Disponibilité d'autres formats

Restrictions d'accès


Délais d'utilisation, de reproduction et de publication

Copyright restrictions may apply.

Éléments associés

Éléments associés


No further accruals are expected

Identifiant(s) alternatif(s)

Zone du numéro normalisé

Numéro normalisé


Mots-clés - Sujets

Mots-clés - Lieux

Mots-clés - Noms

Mots-clés - Genre

Zone du contrôle

Identifiant de la description du document

Identifiant du service d'archives

Règles ou conventions


Niveau de détail

Dates de production, de révision et de suppression

Langue de la description

Langage d'écriture de la description


Zone des entrées

Sujets associés

Personnes et organismes associés

Lieux associés

Genres associés

Localisation physique

  • Tablette: MF 603-613