Currie, Arthur William, Sir

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Currie, Arthur William, Sir

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Sir Arthur Currie, soldier and teacher. Born at Strathroy, Ontario, he taught school and ran a business in Victoria, B.C. until the First World War. Active in the militia from 1893, Currie was given command of the 2nd Canadian INfantry Brigade when the war broke out, took command of the 1st Division in 1915, and was general officer commandin ghte Canadian Corps in 1917. Promoted general in Nov. 1919 and appointed inspector-general, Canadian Militia. Principal and Vice-Chancellor of McGill University from 1920 until his death.
John Frederick Bligh Livesay (1875-1944), journalist and author. Author of "Canada's Hundred Days: with Canadian Corps from Amiens to Mons, Aug. 8- Nov. 11, 1918," an account of the campaign from the second battle of Amiens to the armistice, written in defense of Lt.-Gen. Sir Arthur Currie.


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Authority record identifier

CA QUA02299

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  • English



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