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Queen's University Archives
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Dinner in tribute to the late Donald Gordon upon the opening of the Donald Gordon Centre - Nov. 9, 1974

Dinner in tribute to the late Donald Gordon upon the opening of the Donald Gordon Centre - Nov. 9, 1974. Side One: Welcome by Principal; speeches by J. Douglas Gibson, Mitchell Sharp, Bob Beatty (continued on side 2). Side Two: Speech by Bob Beatty (continued from Side 1); Speeches by Arnold Hart, Bob Fowler, and Alec ?.

"Conversations from Wingspread" R-313 Nuclear Energy and the Developing Countries

Dan Price talks to Con Alday, William Epstan and Abraham Chaise about nuclear power and developing countries. Side One: Host Dan Price speaks with Con Alday (Managing Director of British Nuclear Fuels Ltd.), William Epstan (visiting Professor at the University of Victoria and speacial fellow at Unitar-United Nations Institute ofr training and research); and Abraham Chaise (Professor of Law from Harvard Law School), Dan Price asks the other their assessment of the attractiveness of nuclear power to the developing countries. They discuss concerns as well. Side Two: blank.

R-53 The Media and the Scientist R-54 The Urban League ... What is it? and where is it going

Conversations from Wingspread. Side One: Hos Dan Price speaks with guests Edward J. Epstein (writer), Irving Crystal (editor of the Public Interest and Professor of Urban Values at New York University) and Robert L. Bartley (Editor of the Editorial Page of the Wall Street Journal) Discuss the role of scientists as advisors and the media. Side Two: Host speaks with Ruth Atkins (Associate Director for Health Programs at the National Urban League), Gleason Glover (Executive Director of the League, in Minneapolis, MN) and Dean S. Londa (with the NUL in New York). Guests discuss the league as a National Civil Rights Social Welfare Organization. Started to help rural blacks to adjust to urban life. Works with civil rights now.

Distinguished Service Awards May 9, 1985

Awards ceremony for distinguished service awards at Queen's University, May 9, 1985. Recipients described. Side One: Awards given to Eleanor Mae Good, John Lorne MacDougal, George Owen Toller, William Donald Wood, John Hamilton Woods. Fred W. Gibson introduced, then gives a talk on the Historical Root of the Queen's Community. Side Two: blank.

Convocation address by Jeanne Sauve upon receiving Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree, Queen's University

Convocation address by Sauve recorded at Queen's University, May 23, 1986. Side One: Governor General of Canada, Jeanne Sauve Hooded. Address by Sauve - Anti war. Address in English and French. Doctor of Philosophy degree granted, Master of Arts degrees granted. Side Two: blank.

Address upon receiving Honorary Doctor of Laws degree, Queen's University. Recorded at Queen's University, May 30, 1986.

Address upon receiving an Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree, Queen's University. Recorded in Kingston, Ont., May 30, 1986. Side One: Author, Peter C. Newman, talks about education and Queen's University as well as Canada. School of Business - MBA degrees given. Side Two: blank. print through only.

The Voices of Queen's University (Recorded for use at the History of Queen's Day, October, 1986)

Excerpts of Famous People Speaking. Side One: Franklin D. Roosevelt (1938); Eleanor Roosevelt (1948); Robert Oppenheimer; and Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent (October 19, 1951) Heard. Side Two: John Diefenbaker (1961); John Diefenbaker (addressing Convocation); Lester B. Pearson (Brockington lecture 1969); Pierre Elliott Trudeau (1968) and Lorne Greene (Upon receiving an Honourary Doctor of Laws Degree in 1971) are heard.

Address at Queen's University Convocation following receipt of Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws

Convocation address by Dr. Homer Thompson, Archaeologist and Professor, Princeton University. Recorded at Queen's University, Kingston, Ont., May 31, 1986. Side One: Dr. Homer Thompson discusses his work, which involves recovering ancient Athens, and writing a related manuscript. He discusses some of the findings of this research, in particular the Articles of or places visited by Great Men, including famous Greek Philosophers. B.A. Hons. Degrees of Arts and Scince awarded. Side Two: Blank. Print through only.

Address at Queen's University Convocation following receipt of Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws

Convocation Address by Dr. Walter Kohn, a Physicist from Santa Barbara, California. Recorded at Queen's University, Kingston, Ont., 1986. Side One: Dr. Kohn indicates that scientists are an example of a global community since science deals with the search for universal truths, and has affected the quality of life for people worldwide. He speaks of the perils associated with science as well, and urges graduates to strive to transform the world into a global family in order to overcome these perils. Side Two: blank. print through only.

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