Kingston--Photographs, Aerial



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Kingston--Photographs, Aerial

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Kingston--Photographs, Aerial

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Kingston--Photographs, Aerial

70 Descrição arquivística resultados para Kingston--Photographs, Aerial

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Aerial Photographs

Aerial photo of Kingston covering the area from Victoria Hall on Albert St. to Elevator Bay, Little Cataraqui Creek. Includes the Collins Bay Prison, St. Lawrence College & the Aluminum Plant.

Aerial Photographs

Looking S.W. from Women's Prison and Kingston Prison to Portsmouth Harbour.

Lilley, George E.O.

Photographs, Aerial

Item is a photograph of an aerial view of Kingston's waterfront from the causeway to City Hall.

Lilley, George E.O.

Aerial Photographs

Aerial view of Kingston's waterfront and the Canadian Shipbuilding and Engineering Ltd.

Lilley, George E.O.

Photographs, Aerial

Item is a photograph of an aerial view of Kingston's waterfront showing Kingston Penitentiary, Prison for Women and McArthur College.

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