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W. H. Hutchison fonds Item English
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"A Proclamation"

Small paper-like card that may be filled out to ask for more information. On the back has a "Learn About" section: "Justice for all, but pledged to maintain the supremacy of the white race, the rights of Gentiles, and the integrity of the Protestant Faith, to shield sanctity of the home and chastity of womanhood, to uphold law and order and insist on the complete separation of Church and State, to exemplify the [...] benevolence and practice an honorable clannishness". Then reads "Our Positive Program": "To honor the glorious Union Jack as the sole flag of Canada and British Empire", "To perpetuate a United British Empire", "To serve the Protestant Church", "to promote the public school", "To fight for the sanctity of the home", "To promote Gentile Economic betterment", "To advocated White Supremacy and Racial Purity", "To promote respect for Law and Order". The conditions read: "You must be White, a Gentile, and a Protestant, eighteen years of age or over, and engaged in a limited vocation". On the back is a picture of a hooded person on a hooded horse holding an enflamed torch, with words "Yesterday, today, and forever", "the fiery summons".

Article "Saturday Night" Slanders the Intelligent Citizenry of Canada

Titled " 'Saturday Night' Slanders the Intelligent Citizenry of Canada" by PM Richards with respects to KKK-K. Explains that "Saturday Night" claims KKK-K has been "getting money from unwary and unintelligent citizens of Ontario", and "campaigning vigorously" for members in the "less sophisticated districts of Ontario". Accused KKK-K of appealing to the "basest instincts of the human race ... religious and racial prejudices, and later the sadistic tendency to delight in the suffering of others". Article continues to say that all these accusation is an insult to the klan and to general Canadians.

Bulletin #20

Title reads: "To All Geni, King and Major Kleagles, Kleagles, Imperial Representatives, and Citizens of the Invisible Empire". Reads as "Greeting", then points following generally about enquiries made on a Gilbert of Petterboro Ont who was taken into custody recently in connection with some "unlawful transactions". Points out that this man was not accepted into the Klan when he applied last summer, but later became a member of the "K.K.K. of B.E.", and when this group rejoined their main group, he was again refused to be a member, as they are "not after numbers", and do not want "dead weight". Mentions elsewhere in the bulletin a Funeral Ceremony and buying official Klan books. Also mentions recent news in daily papers that one or two Popes have recently commented on "ugly things about the Klan movement", but that they expected this. "Each knock is a boost for us and calls the attention of thousands to the work we are doing. men think for themselves these days. One paper said we Protestants can never and will never "STICK TOGETHER". This shows they do not know the Klan. It has often been true in the past that our Protestant movements have broken up into segments, small groups, and have thus destroyed their usefulness [...] But such men are not real Klansmen, but are real enemies to the cause of Protestantism. The Klan "MOVEMENT" is primarily a world movement, and is national in each country. In "UNION" there is strength. No, the Klan will never be broken up for those who have such ideas will be put out of the movement by the local groups. It is time we protestants are learning this exceedingly important fact. Let us keep "PETTY JEALOUSIES" out of this great cause. Keep the one big thing constantly before our eyes ... IN CANADA THIS IS A NATIONAL MOVEMENT ... one big army with one objective. Victory is sure but we must keep step and forward march". Mentions how strong their cooperation has made their movement recently, and how the Klan movement is doubtless the "greatest movement of the age", the "last work in Anglo-Saxon-Protestant organization", the "last instrument of righteousness". On the back of bulletin lists the "duties of officers".

Bulletin #25

Title reads: "To All Geni, King and Major Kleagles, Kleagles, Imperial Representatives, and Citizens of the Invisible Empire". First, that the Imperial Klonsel, Homer B. Neely of the Imperial kloncilium of the Organization is working on a draft for the Constitution of the Ladies of the Ku Klux Klan of Kanada; Two, that Imperial Klaliff Jas. S Lord was in Winnipeg, Regina, Edmonton, and Vancouver this month, and their membership grows; Three, That on May 23 is a "great demonstration" in Huron County; Four, that on May 23, is the Lord's Day, "we shall gather about the Fiery Cross. We shall sing, pray, and be happy [...] See that all Robes and Helmets are spotlessly white, immaculately clean and pressed, all shoes in finest polish, etc... [...] Remember this is our very first "GREAT DAY" in Canada"; Five, that special robe orders and dues are paid and prepared, and that Membership Certificate Card has been made and must be used to enter all meetings until dies are paid and a National Pass Card has been issued; Six, that the National Headquarters is doing its best to give adequate lecture service to the cause, despite the expenses, so help is appreciated; Seven, reminder that Klan is not a "lodge", to "plan your work -work the plan. But above all WORK THE PLAN. Each Terror must perfect himself and herself in the work assigned"; Eight, that "idealism, insight and philosophy underlying the Invisible Empire constitutes the last thought in Anglo-Saxon, Protestant progress. Our principles are hoary with age and are commensurate with Israel's, (Anglo-Saxon_ struggle for rightful, human liberty. [...] Do not pass lightly over these teachings. Think them through. Put them into practice. The Klan is not "Ritual Bound" [...] Invisible Empire is found in "THE HOLLOW SQAURE" or "OPEN QUADRATE". The Quadrate was first used in Human history by Moses following a plan show him from Heaven. At the Exodus, the twelve tribes were formed about an open quadrate, three tribes to the corner. [...] The Ark of the Covenant was placed on the altar in the centre of the Quadrate, Moses stood at the centre of the Quadrate line -open space. The other three sides of the Quadrate were filled in by the twelve tribes. Our Klaverns are perfect quadrates - Hollow Squares. No one ever passes between the altar, the Ark of (our) Covenant and the station of the Exalted Cyclops. [...] Great Britain, long centuries ago, adopted the Quadrate, hollow square, as the basis of her offensive army formation. The Klan is symbolically following Moses to freedom. Following the Quadrate idea, K-UNO is a quadrate of quadrates in its fundamental principles and teaching. [...] The sign of the Quadrate [...] same as the sign of "KLANISHNESS" and also the sign of "KLAN LOYALTY". The sign is made by closing the fist of the right hand and placing it over the heart, then by closing the fist of the left hand and placing it over the elbow of the right arm. This forms a perfect quadrate in all men. This sign is made at all opening ceremonies, at all funerals, at all public demonstrations and is made and held in all Klan parades. [...] The quadrate revealed, both Kloranically and philosophically, is as follows: Dedicated in (1) body (2) mind (3) spirit (4) life; Dedicated to (1) our country (2) our klan (3) our homes (4) each other (humanity); Our Program (1) one of chivalry (2) one of humanity (3) one of justice (4) one of patriotism; Our Spirit: (1) honor (2) chivalry (3) industry (4) love; this completes the quadrate of quadrates for K-UNO [...] Take the principle of klannishness alone. The application of this fundamental principle in actual, practical demonstration, is a quadrate. We have sworn practice klannishness: (1) socially (2) physically (3) morally (4) vocationally; Our Ark of the (our) Covenant is composed of the following which constitute our sacred altar. They are: (1) the flag (2) the bible (3) the sword (4) the water; Our oath (Covenant) pledges protection to this Ark. We shall protect these even unto death. The symbolism will be further unfolded in Bulletin #30. The Ladies of the Ku Klux Klan of Kanada will understand these Bulletins apply to them also." Document signed by the "Invisible Empire Ku Klux Klan of Kanada".

Bulletin #28

Title reads: "To All Geni, King and Major Kleagles, Kleagles, Imperial Representatives, and Citizens of the Invisible Empire". First, that all klans need to vote official names for the County organizations and to send those names to their Imperial Kligrapp, and must mention a name, number and unit of Klan represented in reports; Third, that from this date, no printed receipts are to be issued to petitioners for Citizenship, and that instead a punched car is to be used when they want to complete a record of citizens standing for Klectoken dues. This is because "old receipts have been carelessly used in several cases and have revealed memberships"; Four, present "supreme task is to "build, build, build", that they "are powerless without great numbers". Mentions that while they "practise 'Secrecy' and 'Klanishness', building numbers is also essential to their program; Five, that all robe outfits must be ordered direct form Imperial Headquarters, and that all cheques, money orders and drafts must be made payable to J.H. Wilson (Imperial Klabee), that all other orders be made to C. Lewis Fowler. Notes also that all robes will be registered by code number, and so robes are not interchangeable; Six, that open air demonstrations in Barrie, Exeter, Sault Set Marie, Belleville and Woodstock were "marvellously successful, that some 40,000 people attended. Mentions that Kingston under the leadership of John G. Hothersall, King Kleagle, will hold forth on August 2 and expect some 15, 000 people; Seven, that the Canadian klan movement has yet to produce distinctive Canadian Klan literature. "Every great cause demands an adequate literature. We shall certainly rejoice when some of our thinkers and writers feel led to expound and interpret our principles for all the people. The demand is incessant and great"; Eight, In bulletin #29, should begin teaching work, which covers field of "our symbolism, principles, meaning and scope of our task". Also reminds that Klan is no "ledge", and is "infinitely more than a fraternity". Document signed by "The Invisible Empire, Knights of the ku Klux Klan of Kanada, by the Imperial Kligrapp.

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