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W. H. Hutchison fonds Teil Englisch
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Bulletin #24

Title reads: "To All Geni, King and Major Kleagles, Kleagles, Imperial Representatives, and Citizens of the Invisible Empire". First, that sending reports of Imperial Tax should include old Imperial number; Two that official representative of the Imperial Kloncilium in the community is the Kleagle, and so he is in charge of all mobilization work, and members are expected to cooperate; Three, weekly reports and the importance of hiding them in on time; Four, that now that spring is here, there will be several "big open air naturalization ceremonies", on in Western Ontario in Huron County on May 23, one near Kingston around same time, one in Simcoe County at Barrie. All are invited; Five, that the "military machinery of the County Klan is under the direction of the Klaliff (as Colonel)", that proper records are to be kept, and that each Klaliff should be familiar with the law governing this phase of the work. Also that "the ladies do not use this phase but get results of work from Klansmen"; Six, to read bulletin #23 about outlined work on committees; Seven, reminder that they are not a lodge, but a world movement; Eight, to have faith in the "native goodness of our race", the "Christian charity and faith"; and Nine, that all klans purchase the official Kligrapp and Klabee books, binders, and fillers as soon as possible. Signed C. Lewis Fowler, Imperial Kligrapp.

Bulletin #29

Title reads: "To All Geni, King and Major Kleagles, Kleagles, Imperial Representatives, and Citizens of the Invisible Empire". First, since bulletin #28 was issued, that the Klan groups known as the British Empire Klan at Toronto, Hamilton, Brantford, both Knights and Ladies, have joined their order going with them in the "right direction"; Two, that men of new Brunswick were in a Province-wide open air demonstration on August 10; Three, that a new record and receipt card for Local use, as well as a code system for robes, has been adopted. Mentions that "secrecy is so vital in our cause that we were forced to this system. Thus we protect our entire membership. Let each Klan emphasize "Secrecy" in each Klavern meeting"; Four, that many still need to buy their official books, and though expensive, will last for eight years; Five, That Article XVI, Section 16 and 18 of the Constitution and Laws must be reread carefully, and that "all members must be notified at once that from this on utmost strictness will, and must be, observed along this line for the sake of our cause and fairness to the faithful members"; Six that the open air ceremonial and demonstration under the leadership of Murney Klan #22 and Nightingale Klan #6, in Kingston Ontario, was a "marvelous success", with approximately fifteen thousand people attending: "Bands, well-drilled horsemen, five fiery Crosses, singing by the thousand of people and patriotic, Protestant addresses, approved by tumultuous applause and good will, marked the day"; and Seven, that they must begin "our permanent program, re the collection of dues". Signed "Knight of the Ku Klux Klan of Kanada, by authority, National Headquarters".

Bulletin #30

Title reads: "To All Geni, King and Major Kleagles, Kleagles, Imperial Representatives, and Citizens of the Invisible Empire". One, that a Miss Catherine M.A. Morrison, Chatham, N.B., has been chosen for Major Kleagle for the Ladies of the Ku Klux Klan of Kanada, for that Province; Two, the annual session of the Imperial Kloncilium for the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of kanada of kanada will take place at the Imperial Headquarters this week; Three, that all Klans hold the larger vision of the "great movement", that they are not "setting up another Ritual Bound Fraternity", to keep words of "Secrecy", "Klannishness", "Anglo-Saxon, "Protestant" in mind. They recently saw some members at an invitation meeting with robes and helmets and visors raised, but that this is bad: "Identity is revealed and great harm done to the cause. Our very best and most responsible business men, seeing this, will turn from us forever, and justly so. We must "WE MUST" maintain secrecy. We must practice "KLANNISHNESS". We must make these two things vital in our life and work"; Four, with autumn here, expecting growth in every Province and in every Klan: "We can succeed if we can seal our lips; practice secrecy and Klannishness, if we can stand together faithfully; and above all, if we can have CONFIDENCE in the honesty and integrity, the one in the other. We MUST stand together through loyalty, through patriotism, through honour and grim determination"; Five, that all klans are instructed to collect dues; Six, to forward names of people who are willing to join their ranks and help their organization; Seven, that a special "Employment Committee should be elected", that all places be filled with their members or Protestants". Seems to be a page missing from bulletin.

Bulletin #31

Title reads: "To All Geni, King and Major Kleagles, Kleagles, Imperial Representatives, and Citizens of the Invisible Empire". First, that the bulletins be read to entire Klans carefully; Two, "should any alien petitioner for citizenship in the Invisible Empire ever be refused citizenship, and therefore rejected, the Kligrapp of the local Organization thus rejecting must at once notify the King or Major Kleagle or Provincial Headquarters [...] The King or Major Kleagle must at once notify all Klans within his or her realm, so that the alien rejected may not petition elsewhere and be received"; Three, requesting better care to reports and orders for equipment, that all Kleagles must report every Saturday night to National Headquarters and Provincial Headquarters; Four, "to use official Robe Order Forms", and to include the Klan number, Unit, Realm, and Local Address of Klan; Four, that the open air ceremonial season has passed, and that approximately 130, 000 people had attended: "new are back in our closed Klaverns and we should expect many thousands of new members between now and the coming of spring"; Five, at the "second Annual Session of the Imperial Kloncilium", the Imperial Wizard emphasized the importance of practicing scrutiny with each other, and greater secrecy throughout the Invisible Empire; Six, to see following bulletin about Quadrates and "Klannishness"; Seven, request from two or three source asking that the minimum Klectoken Fee be made $12.00 instead of $10.00, and that $2.00 so for the treasury of the local Klan. Thus need a vote; Eight, "Teaching: The Klan at Work", to "organize the Exalted Cyclops and Terrors into the following groups, (a) Executive group, Exalted Cyclops, Klaliff, Klokard, Kludd, Kligrapp, and Klabee; (b) Kloranic group, Kluda, Night Hawk, Klexter, Klarogo; (c) Investigator and Advisory group, the three Klonkann; (d) Military group, the Klaliff is ex Officio Colonel of the military machinery. If he is not a military man, he ahs the authority to appoint a military man to work with him in perfecting the military machinery; (e) Program Committee, The Klokard is ex Officio chairman of the various crafts and professions; Nine, list of recommended subjects for "serious study", including Romans Chap. 22., Analysis and discussion of the oath, Secrecy and Obedience, Loyalty, History and meaning of Protestantism, Law and Order, Education, Home building, "Our Boys and Girls", Mobilizing our Anglo-Saxon-Protestant Man Power, Good Citizenship, Immigration, Klannishness, Charity, White Supremacy, The Enemy Within - The Dones - The Weak-kneed - the Traitors - Radical Members; and Ten, a warning, "The Knights of Columbus of New Haven are sending out a circular from one disgruntled and discredited party named Percy, of Washington Co. Miss.", that "this is old propaganda, and there is nothing to it". Signed "The Invisible Empire - Knights (and Ladies) of the Ku Klux Klan of Kanada".

Bulletin #33

Title reads: "To All Geni, King and Major Kleagles, Kleagles, Imperial Representatives, and Citizens of the Invisible Empire". That on November 22, a body of Klansmen and Klanswomen presented an appeal for an Imperial Kloncovation and asked that a special Klonvocation Committee assist the members of the Imperial Kloncilium. Outlines that the first to be elected is for Imperial Wizard, who must be a native born British subject. He will then nominate his Imperial staff for the Imperial Kloncilium and this will be voted on. Notes that Ladies will convene on same day and same hour in same building, but in a different room. Signed by Knights of Ku Klux Klan of Kanada.

Bulletin #34

Title reads: "To All Geni, King and Major Kleagles, Kleagles, Imperial Representatives, and Citizens of the Invisible Empire". That on December 9 a special bulleting about Klonvocation was mailed to each unit in Canada, and that January 24 was chosen as the final date. The auditorium will be in the Canadian Foresters Building on College St. Near the junction on Yonge and College Street. Imperial headquarters is located at Rooms 503-4 Excelsior Life Building Toronto Ont, at the corner of Adelaide and Toronto Streets. Signed Knights of Ku Klux Klan of kanada, National Headquarters.

Bulletin #37

Addressed to the "Faithful Klansmen and Klanswomen of the Ku Klux Canada". Clarifies that since Klonvocation at Toronto on Jan 17 and 18, that C. L. Fowler and Joseph Ballons have been banished, but since then has been claiming his innocence: "Dr. Fowler makes a great shout about having given his whole Body and Soul to this Order. Our answer is that to finance him for twenty-two months cost the Order $10, 995.84. As a commercial transaction, two had the worst of the bargain. If there are any more American Bodies and Souls for sale at the same price, we are not in the market!" Also mentions the "audacious" attempt of Fowler to associate with their "Number" and their "Great Seal" in order to "further deceive" and commit other "unprincipled activities". Ends with the statement: "My Body and Soul is not for sake, but I am truly and heartily in accord with every true Klansman and Klanswoman who is resolved that the K.K.K. of K. shall continue to stand for the advancement of those high Moral and Christian principles of our Constitution". Signed by George Marshall, Imperial Wizard.

Bulletin No. 39

Addressed to the "Faithful Klansmen and Klanswomen of the Ku Klux Canada". Emphasizing that neither G.A. Warren nor C. Lewis Fowler are functioning with Imperial Headquarters, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of Kanada. Mentions a Convention held in Toronto on January 17 and 18 to elect fifteen Canadians, "100% British", at the Excelsior Life Bldg. Plans for the "summer campaign" are underway, such as organizing an Open Air Demonstration in Brockville and Kingston in June and July. They must determine dates and elect committees for transportation, ceremonial work, police work, press work, and membership work. Signed by J.S. Lord and George Marshall.

Bulletin No. 43

Explaining the need to increase membership and "develop a nobler manhood". Mentions also that they have received "public recognition from the K.K.K. of U.S.A., which Grand Dragon G.E. Carr stated: "Our doors in the U.S. are open to Canadian Klansmen who operate their own Klans as Canadian organizations. our doors are closed to any group that follow banished Americans who are over here. The U.S. Klan does not know how to operate in Canada, doesn't want to operate in Canada, and isn't going to. And the U.S. klan doesn't want Canadians to have banished American Klansmen operate their klans for them". Goes on to update the Fowler is out of Canada for good, and that there is talks between the K.K.K. of K. and the Canadian Knights of the K.K.K. to amalgamate. Explains further that a "nobler manhood" is developed by "cultivating the ideals that build for higher things. Klankraft is essential to the real Canadian gentlemen to-day, and to this and worth0while activities should be undertaken. At this period it has become easier to obtain intoxicating liquors, and we wish to emphatically state from Imperial headquarters that no intoxicating drinks shall be permitted within our Klaverns, or on our Open Air Fields where Demonstrations are held". Emphasizes also the need to show one's Imperial Pass Card to prove he is a Klansman when gaining admittance. Signed J.S. Lord, Imperial Kligrapp, and George Marshall, Imperial Wizard.

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