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Unfilled Affidavit

Affidavit on fee entry of "Animals for Breeding Purposes", from the United States Customs Service. 2 copies.


Article about "Thy born kennels"

Funeral Ceremony for All Departed Klansmen and Klanswomen

Titled "Funeral Ceremony for All Departed Klansmen and Klanswomen". Reads First, all those who participate in the ceremony must be robed; Two, those in the procession must make and hold the sign of "Klan Loyalty", or the sign of the Quadrate, which is also the sign of Klannishness; Three, they must march in single file to the grave, whereby t he Exalted Cyclops will end and carry the mounted flag, followed by the Kludd carrying a Bible opened at Romans 12th Chapter, followed by the Klaliff holding the Fiery Cross, followed by the Klonkard carrying an unsheathed sword, which he carries in "perpendicular salute, point upward, and directly in front of him"; Four, the procession will march slowly around the grave twice, stopping so the Kludd is directly at head of the grave, and the presiding Kludd, or Minister, will direct time of lowering casket or filling grave; Five, stand quietly and hold sign of Klan Loyalty with heads bowed, where the Kludd will read Romans 12, 1-8, and all will say "Non Silba Sed Anthar" at the end; Six, in a "slow solemn voice", will recite "God give us men", then the Cyclops will say in a "slow deep voice", "Faithful Klansmen and Klanswomen, just such a man has gone from us to join the Invisible Host beyond ... God be praised for him"; Seven, sing "Nearer my God to Thee"; Eight, the Kludd will lead in prayer and conclude with Amen; Nine, led by the Kludd, the Quadrate will face the flag and salute and will "make sign of Fiery Cross as they face it", then return back to the grave and raise their left hand to salute to the grave, saying in unison "Farewell, brother Klansmen, rest in peace until the resurrection morning"; Ten, Led by the Kludd, then the E.C., Klaliff, and Klokard, they will step to grave and put a "red flower" down, "symbolic of sacrifice", and all others will do the same and place "white flowers", "symbolic of purity", then all bow and make a sign of Quadrate for a moment of silence; Eleven, setting the flag fat the very edge of grave corner, and the Fiery Cross at the other edge, the Kludd will raise his left hand over the grace and say "And now may the God of all grace, who brought forth from the tomb our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the resurrection and the Life, be, and abide with you all, now and forever more, Amen"; Twelve, after the Amen, the E.C. will lead the procession from the grace in same manner he led them to the grave. Notes at the end that all robing and disrobing "must be done out of sight of all spectators".

Greetings Announcement

Title reads: "To All Geni, King and Major Kleagles, Kleagles, Imperial Representatives, and Citizens of the Invisible Empire". Reads as "Greeting": (I) "In Union there is strength. Anything to the contrary scatters abroad. A real united Klankraft in Canada is now being born. The real Klan is coming into being. The recent events are not to be regretted. There is a divine Providence back of an in it all. In the stress the real worth or lack of it has revealed itself. Those who compose the Klan are true, real, sincere and they came into the Klan because they knew that we must find an adequate remedy at once or we are doomed as Protestants in the world. We now know where we are. Those who sought to rise to a place of leadership, or shall we say "Dictatorship", over the abused reputations of others have been revealed and the Klan has been saved from them forever. no real Klansman will follow them. The real Klan is now taking definite shape in Canada"; (II) Mentions the amalgamation of the 3 main Klan groups in Canada, "Now that our house has been purged by Providence of all dead timber and that the old ship has had all the barnacles scraped off we are ready to set to sea"; (III) Urging Klansmen to abstain "from all the bitterness and from all perfidy. Those who are responsible for the recent disturbances have tried to build the cause upon hate, prejudice, slander, narrowness and false report. They alone are the sufferers. The real Klan is going on just the same. Thus they have put themselves outside our realm and outside the fold of Klankraft"; (IV) Mentions new features to be adopted, such as appointing a new "Imperial Representative" to go as a "Kourier to the Klans, a teacher or messenger whose duty it shall be to teach Klankraft and to help in all the details of the forward movement and work"; (V) Includes the following statement from Dr. Fowler: "Faithful Klansmen and Klanswomen [...] I was to turn over the higher Orders. That promise was also given in good faith. But no sooner than my back was turned than certain parties who had been at work ever since last June to undermine me, began a campaign of vile slander against me seemingly hoping to elevate themselves by destroying me. Well, I am not the kind that sits down under such perfidy. I lost all confidence and of course refused to deliver the other Orders. It was a gracious Providence that saved them from such unworthy hands. There was a fiasco meeting held in January. In that I have absolutely no confidence. The same ugly spirit prevails. We cannot build the Klan about such. Better a thousand times that we disband now than that we try to build that way. We have no room for those who thinks only of self. The key to our holy cause is "NON SILBA SED ANTHAR". To these principles I have been true. I have kept the faith, slanderous, false, purposefully wicked statements to the contrary notwithstanding. My record is before the members. They know I defy the world to show to the contrary. For this reason I am remaining, for the present, with the continuing, the original Klan until it can go forward without me. I have no ambitions, save the building of the real Klan in Canada. I shall give every ounce of my strength to the worthy men and women who have now been chosen to do the work in Canada. I have made the Orders available for them. As soon as the Imperial Officers are ready to take over the work, I must go on to another wider field in the great Klan struggle, for as you know the Klan movement is international. I bid you trust the leaders now before you. You are the only original, official body now functioning in Canada. All others must soon pass out of existence. I am I.T.S.U.B. C Lewis Fowler".; (VI) "Let all Klans declare at once just what they are going to do. If you want all of Klankraft, then come on with us, declare your loyalty to the Headquarters that has the message and the Orders and the program". Bottom signed "The Ku Klux Klan of Kanada, Imperial Headquarters".

Personal Bulletin

Titled "Personal Bulletin", addressed to "All Genii, Imperial Representatives, King and Major Kleagles, Kleagles and Klanswomen in Canada". Addressing recent questions about the "Second Order of Klankraft -Knights Kamelia -as to its rightful authority", desires to explain their history. Outlines the historical background of the Knights Kamelia, starting from its copyright in 1927 by C. Lewis Fowler, who was then the Imperial Kligrapp of the Order of Klankraft in Canada. Then, two groups of the Klan in Canada amalgamated, and Fowler became Imperial Wizard. He then set up his own official body and adopted his own methods of procedures, but Mr. fauve soon claimed that Fowler could not do this work. The copyright document is in Toronto Headquarters but requires further certification. Therefore, any attempt to delegate authority to Knights Kamelia is in violation of the copyright privileges. Document signed by C. Lewis Fowler and J.H. Hawkins.

Letter from "Florence Inn"

Envelop with a letter from Florence Inn in Terry Town, NY. Addressed to a Mr. and Mrs Hutchison. Reads: "Your lonely gift arrived yesterday, we both thank you very much, it was most kind of you… Having heard I've speak of you… I feel I know you both well. I do hope some time in the near future we shall all meet. It would be lovely if you could pay us a visit, we should be most delighted to see you. Thank you for your lovely gift... PS... working such long hours but as soon as he can he will write you."

Bulletin No. 43

Explaining the need to increase membership and "develop a nobler manhood". Mentions also that they have received "public recognition from the K.K.K. of U.S.A., which Grand Dragon G.E. Carr stated: "Our doors in the U.S. are open to Canadian Klansmen who operate their own Klans as Canadian organizations. our doors are closed to any group that follow banished Americans who are over here. The U.S. Klan does not know how to operate in Canada, doesn't want to operate in Canada, and isn't going to. And the U.S. klan doesn't want Canadians to have banished American Klansmen operate their klans for them". Goes on to update the Fowler is out of Canada for good, and that there is talks between the K.K.K. of K. and the Canadian Knights of the K.K.K. to amalgamate. Explains further that a "nobler manhood" is developed by "cultivating the ideals that build for higher things. Klankraft is essential to the real Canadian gentlemen to-day, and to this and worth0while activities should be undertaken. At this period it has become easier to obtain intoxicating liquors, and we wish to emphatically state from Imperial headquarters that no intoxicating drinks shall be permitted within our Klaverns, or on our Open Air Fields where Demonstrations are held". Emphasizes also the need to show one's Imperial Pass Card to prove he is a Klansman when gaining admittance. Signed J.S. Lord, Imperial Kligrapp, and George Marshall, Imperial Wizard.

Bulletin No. 39

Addressed to the "Faithful Klansmen and Klanswomen of the Ku Klux Canada". Emphasizing that neither G.A. Warren nor C. Lewis Fowler are functioning with Imperial Headquarters, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of Kanada. Mentions a Convention held in Toronto on January 17 and 18 to elect fifteen Canadians, "100% British", at the Excelsior Life Bldg. Plans for the "summer campaign" are underway, such as organizing an Open Air Demonstration in Brockville and Kingston in June and July. They must determine dates and elect committees for transportation, ceremonial work, police work, press work, and membership work. Signed by J.S. Lord and George Marshall.

Special Bulletin #36

Begins with: "Loyalty to this Organization, to the Imperial Officers, and to the great Movement in which we are engaged, means much to each and every one of us. Let us try to accomplish more … In view of this, we must be continually on the alert, not only here at Headquarters, but at our Local Klaverns and Auxiliaries, to guard against the evil design of those not only from the outside, but from the inside of our own membership. We have nothing to fear from the outside if our membership is loyal to the duly elected and constituted officers, and supports them in their work for this great cause". Goes on to explain that they do not have the money for an "Investigation department", or a "Secret Service Department", so much depend on the cooperation of their membership. Further reiterates that dues must be handed in on time, and Units should be having regular meetings, reports should be handed in to Headquarters, and that the shipment of robes are coming in soon. Also mentions that 5 new units have been established in Nova Scotia, and that work in New Brunswick has been "satisfactory". Cautions: "Don't grumble -don't be a grouch -don't kill a meeting by knocking a Klansman. Don't say you cannot help or will not help, but be a booster. If your local Organization is not pledged 100 per cent, why not go to work to-day and make it 100 per-cent. This is the spirit that will make this Organization truly a success". Updates that Fowler is in New York, and lists names from different towns in Ontario that have been banished from the organization. In closing, "we trust that each Klansman may realise the truth contained in the resolution unanimously passed in the House of commons and in the Senate: 'Resolved, that as Canada is approaching the sixtieth anniversary of our founding as a Dominion the Parliament of Canada place on record its appreciation of the achievements of the Fathers of Confederation, and with united voice express the faith and confidence in the future of this our country and its development as a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations, owing allegiance to His Majesty the King. We trust that this commemoration will lend added inspiration to the patriotic fervor of our people, and afford a clearer vision of our aspirations and ideals, to the end that from sea to sea there may be developed a robust Canadian spirit, and in all things Canadian profounder national unity' ". Signed by George Marshall, Imperial Wizard, and J.S. Lord, Imperial Kligrapp.

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