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Conference of Learned Societies fonds

  • CA ON00239 F631
  • Fonds
  • 1971-1991

The fonds consists of planning files, minutes, correspondence, memoranda for the 1973 conference; final report of the 1973 conference prepared by the Conference Co-ordinator, Mrs. Olive T. Higdon; kit given to delegates at registration of the 1973 conference. Also includes programmes, correspondence, notes and memoranda for the 1991 Learned Societies Conference at Queen's University.

Queen's University. Conference of Learned Societies Planning Committee

H. Carl Goldenberg fonds

  • CA ON00239 F610
  • Fonds
  • 1912-1993

The fonds consists of correspondence, subject files, scrapbooks, photographs, speeches, addresses, lecture and research notes, honorary degrees, certificates and awards; and material covering all aspects of Senator Goldenberg's career. The largest category is Senator Goldenberg's work for the Canadian Labour Congress as conciliator, mediator and, most frequently, arbitrator. There is also a large amount of material on some of the commissions, conferences and advisory posts on which Senator Goldenberg has served. Of particular interest are the records of the Royal Commission on Metropolitan Toronto, 1964, the inquiry under the Combines Investigation Act into the Electrical Wire andCcable Industry in Quebec during 1952-1953, and some unusual material on problems in the Jamaican and Trinidadian Sugar Industries. The correspondence files contain extensive correspondence with many of Canada's leading political leaders including Mackenzie King, Lester B. Pearson, Pierre Trudeau, and C.D. Howe. There are also many letters from Stephen Leacock.

Goldenberg, H. Carl

Charles Avery Dunning fonds

  • CA ON00239 F603
  • Fonds
  • 1913-1958

The fonds consists of correspondence, subject files, news clippings, speeches and scrapbooks of the debates of the Saskatchewan Legislature, 1917-1926. The papers contain a record of Mr. Dunning's career from the time of his entry into politics in 1912 until the late 1950's. The microfilm material reflects the original material held by the Archives of Saskatchewan and pertains to Dunning's activities as Provincial Cabinet Minister and Premier of Saskatchewan. The political aspect is dominant until 1940 and after that, with his retirement from politics, his business interests take precedence.

Dunning, Charles Avery

Bushell Family fonds

  • CA ON00239 F524
  • Fonds
  • 1877-1896

Fonds consists of correspondence; account books; business papers; miscellaneous items pertaining to various members of the family including James F. and his wife, Nathaniel C., and Robert John Bushell.

Bushell (family)

Ontario Women's Institute, Bath fonds

  • CA ON00239 F491
  • Fonds
  • 1780-1976

The fonds consists of a scrapbook of Tweedsmuir history, with excerpts related to Bath, Millhaven, Hawley, Fairfield Family, Dr. H.C. Burleigh, churches and historic buildings. Also includes a voter's list for municipal and provincial elections, 1880.

Ontario Women's Institute (Bath, Ont.)

Telgmann Family collection

  • CA ON00239 F452
  • Collection
  • 1885-1938

C ollection consists of correspondence; subject files including promotional material, and dance cards; photographs of various family members, the orchestra, and two female vocalists; and a scrapbook containing clippings and photographs relating largely to Jack Telgmann and members of his orchestra.

Telgmann (family)

Louisa Potter fonds

  • CA ON00239 F3127
  • Fonds
  • [183-]

Autograph album.

Potter, Louisa

Florence Nightingale collection

  • CA ON00239 F3126
  • Collection
  • 1881-1899

Consists of two letters from Florence Nightingale to Rachel (Williams) Norris, dated 1881 and 1899 respectively. It also includes a photograph of Rachel (Williams) Norris.

Nightingale, Florence

Etta Newlands fonds

  • CA ON00239 F3125
  • Fonds
  • 1905-1918

The fonds consists of correspondence and miscellaneous cards. The letters are all personal, family letters the bulk of which are from friends and family members serving overseas in the Canadian forces, and in Queen's University Contingents, 1914-1918. Of particular interest are letters sent to Etta Newlands from "Harvey" and Sarah, young nursing sisters serving in Europe during the war at the No. 7 Canadian General Hospital in France, Salonica and Basingstoke. Part of the correspondence has to do with church and professional activities.

Newlands, Etta

Newboro Cemeteries collection

  • CA ON00239 F3124
  • Collection
  • 1819-1977

Cemetery records of the Hutchings Cemetery, the St. Mary's Cemetery, the Anglican Church Cemetery, the Tett Cemetery, the United Church Cemetery and the Presbyterian Cemetery. There is an index for each cemetery.

Résultats 1 à 10 sur 387306