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Grace Campbell fonds

  • CA ON00239 F431
  • Fonds
  • 1942-1967

The fonds consists of correspondence, prose, biographical articles, critical commentaries and newspaper clippings relating to Mrs. Campbell's work as an author.

Campbell, Grace MacLennan Grant

Re Fresh Wind Blowing

19 autograph letter(s) signed by the hand of the author, 7 Typed letter(s) signed by the author, in response to Campbell's novel Fresh wind blowing.

Barbara Olafson

Re The Higher Hill

4 autograph letter(s) signed by the hand of the author, 1 Typed letter(s) signed by the author in response to Campbell's novel The Higher hill.

John A. Chisholm

Re Highland Heritage

18 autograph letter(s) signed by the hand of the author, 16 Typed letter(s) signed by the author in responce to Campbell's novel Highland Heritage.

Paull. Margaret

Re Thorn Apple Tree

7 autograph letter(s) signed by the hand of the author, 7 Typed letter(s) signed by the author in response to Campbell's novel Thorn Apple Tree.

Gordon Smith

Re Torbeg

16 autograph letter(s) signed by the hand of the author, 4 Typed letter(s) signed by the author in response to Campbell's novel Torberg.

R. L. Mudge

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