Arquivo F2150 - Queen's University. Queen's University Athletics & Recreation fonds

Zona do título e menção de responsabilidade

Título próprio

Queen's University. Queen's University Athletics & Recreation fonds

Designação geral do material

Título paralelo

Outra informação do título

Título e menções de responsabilidade

Notas ao título

Nível de descrição


Entidade detentora

Zona de edição

Menção de edição

Menção de responsabilidade da edição

Zona de detalhes específicos de materiais

Menção da escala (cartográfica)

Menção da projecção (cartográfica)

Menção das coordenadas (cartográfico)

Menção da escala (arquitectura)

Autoridade emissora e denominação (filatélica)

Zona de datas de criação


  • 1890-2007 (Produção)
    Queen's University Athletics & Recreation

Zona de descrição física

Descrição física

20 m of textual records
148 videocassettes : betamax
142 videocassettes : VHS
55 videocassettes : digital, 8mm
27 optical discs
12 videocassettes : 3/4" umatic
1 CD-ROM (textual records)
1 artefact

Zona dos editores das publicações

Título próprio do recurso continuado

Títulos paralelos das publicações do editor

Outra informação do título das publicações do editor

Menção de responsabilidade relativa ao editor do recurso contínuo

Numeração das publicações do editor

Nota sobre as publicações do editor

Zona da descrição do arquivo

Nome do produtor


História administrativa

Queen's University at Kingston has one of the oldest and most comprehensive university athletics programs in Canada. The program dates from 1860, when a local military man, Colonel Angus Cameron, persuaded the University's Board of Trustees to set up a small gym in Summerhill, located on the Queen's campus, with "vaulting cross-bars, ladder ropes, and a few other items." Cameron was careful to request that the gym be "retired from jeering spectators," an indication of the low esteem in which athletics were held in the mid-19th century. The first organized sports were annual track and field competitions held on October 16, University Day, at which students competed for prizes offered by the people of Kingston. These competitions, which began in the early 1870's, included the traditional Scottish caber toss, and were a major University event until early this century. The first team sport appears to have been soccer (then called football), which also made its debut in the early 1870's. Later in the decade, a form of "Association Football [i.e. soccer] with catching" appeared on campus – a distant predecessor of modern football. A closer relative, rugby football, was introduced in 1882 by two brothers who brought the English rules of the game down from their home in Ottawa. Snowshoeing and curling were the most popular winter sports before the emergence of hockey in 1886. Sports were initially restricted to male students, but there was a women's hockey team in action as early as 1894, and, before the construction of Queen's first gymnasium building in 1907, women had their own small gym on the top floor of Theological Hall. By the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Queen's had become a national powerhouse in sports. The men's hockey team appeared in three Stanley Cup finals around the turn of the century (losing all three) and the football team won three consecutive Grey Cups in the early 1920s.

Under the guidance of Queen's University Athletics and Physical Education, latterly known as Queen's University Athletics and Recreation, Queen's sports programmes have grown steadily this century, guided by a desire to allow the maximum possible participation by students. The programme is now one of the broadest in the country. It has two main components: Interuniversity sports and Intramural sports. The Interuniversity programme has more than 40 men's and women's teams in 25 sports, most of which compete in the Ontario University Athletics (OUA) organization, or the Ontario Women's Intercollegiate Athletics Association (OWIAA). The Intramural programme is divided into three sections: Bews, or the men's league, named after James Bews, the University's "physical training" director from 1908 to 1937; the Women's Intramural Committee (commonly known as WIC), or the women's league; and the co-ed BEWIC league. Students compete on teams drawn from their course of study and/or academic year in about 30 different sports, ranging from hockey and basketball to innertube water polo and horseshoes. The entire University athletics program is supervised by the Queen's University Council on Athletics, which reports to the University Senate.

História custodial

Âmbito e conteúdo

Fonds consists of Agenda and Minutes of the Athletic Board of Control/University Council on Athletics; team programmes and schedules, instructional programmes and booklets, media guides; team and individual photographs; correspondence, membership lists, promotional material, articles, and photographs relating to Reunion 2000 of the Comets Intermediate Football Team; a CD containing the records of all those individuals who have coached athletics at the University from 1873 to 2003; a three-volume set, entitled 'A Compilation of Queen's Athletes And Sport Teams: 1873-2004 'Celebrating 131 Years of Academic and Athletic Excellence'', compiled by Henk Pardoel, Communications Coordinator, documenting individual and team accomplishments, sports results, and the names of those athletes that have competed over the years for the seventy-five plus teams (2005); correspondence and promotional material relating to the Ted Reeve Dinner (1974) and Ted Reeve Memorial Scholarship (1984), clippings pertaining to Ted Reeve, and a copy of "25 Columns by Ted Reeve"; a promotional DVD for the athletics programme entitled 'A Call to Arms' (2004); a summary of the 2004-2005 athletics season entitled 'A Warriors Race'; and a number of DVD's capturing all home, and some away, games of the 2003 University Men's Soccer team; videos of several sporting events including Queen's vs York University football game (9/11/2003), 'Timecode Burns' of a 2003 Queen's vs. University of Toronto football game and a 2003 Queen's vs Ryerson soccer game; a video of the "Nutrition in Sport" Conference; a booklet entitled, "75 Years of Football at Queen's" compiled in 1973 by Queen's University Athletics and contains scoring statistics; the Ontario Hockey Association Championship Cup ("the Cosby Cup") (1891).

Zona das notas

Condição física

Fonte imediata de aquisição

Transfer by Henk Pardoel, Queen's University Athletics and Recreation


Idioma do material

  • inglês

Script do material

Localização de originais

1031.6 SE
2999 (QU-Football)
CD 4
MI 124
MI 141
MI 151
MI 103
Queen's Printed Collection

Disponibilidade de outros formatos

Digital versions of "A Compilation of Queen's Athletes and Sport Teams: 1873-2004" and "Intercollegiate-Interuniversity Sport Coaching Record: 1873-2002" available at

Restrições de acesso

University records are subject to the Province of Ontario's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). University records form either some, or all, of this fonds. Therefore, any personal information contained in the records may be subject to certain access restrictions and/or conditions under the Act. Please speak with an archivist for more information.. The Cosby Cup can only be viewed in the presence of a QUA staff member. If it is to be loaned, it will only be so with the permission of the University Archivist and the Director of the Department of Athletics and Recreation.

Termos que regulam o uso, reprodução e publicação

Copyright restrictions may apply. Please consult with an archivist.

Instrumentos de descrição

Materiais associados

Materiais relacionados

Ingressos adicionais

Identificador(es) alternativo(s)

Zona do número normalizado

Número normalizado

Pontos de acesso

Pontos de acesso - Assuntos

Pontos de acesso - Locais

Pontos de acesso - Nomes

Pontos de acesso de género

Zona do controlo

Descrição do identificador do registo

Identificador da instituição

Regras ou convenções


Nível de detalhe

Datas de criação, revisão ou eliminação

Idioma da descrição

Script da descrição


Zona da incorporação

Assuntos relacionados

Pessoas e organizações relacionadas

Locais relacionados

Géneros relacionados

Depósito físico

  • Prateleira: 1011.5
  • Prateleira: 1011.6
  • Prateleira: 1161.9
  • Pasta: 2999 (QU-Football)
  • Prateleira: MI 103
  • Prateleira: V077.1
  • Prateleira: Queen's Printed Collection
  • Prateleira: 1031.6 SE
  • Prateleira: Offsite
  • Prateleira: MI 124
  • Prateleira: MI 141
  • Prateleira: MI 151
  • Prateleira: V172
  • Prateleira: 2236.21 SE