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International Correspondence Schools Lexicon: English-French

Cover reads "International Correspondence Schools Lexicon: English-French". First Edition, Scranton, PA, from the International Textbook Company. The number 322 is on the bottom. Inside the book is an actual lexicon, translating from English abbreviations and words into French.

International Correspondence Schools Instruction Paper: French

Cover reads "International Correspondence Schools Instruction Paper: French", Part 13, from the International Textbook Company in Scranton, PA. The number 318 M is on the bottom. Inside the booklet are "lessons" for practicing French phrases and sentences. In the back are recommended supplies for students for learning more.

Personal letter to a Sid Parkins

Addressed to a "Mr Sid Parkins" in Toronto, dated 612515120. Writing that sender received their letter, noting what they said about "her ear and getting after it. Says "looked her ears but never noticed her scratching, so didn't it suspect anything wrong... I think something good should results with interest. One thing sure there is not a better combination of blood existing in the world today. (Will advise you as to results in due course)."

Final Klonvocation Bulletin

Titled "Final Klonvocation Bulletin", addressing "all Klansmen and Klanswomen". According to the bulleting, the Klonvocation committee is making its final arrangement for the Klonvocation on Jan 17 and 18 at a hall on 22 College Street just west of Yonge St. Starting at 10:30am, everyone must show their national pass card or have their Imperial dues to gain access. Each Klan of the Knights or Ladies of the Ku Klux Klan of Canada is entitled to one delegate, a "Kleeper", for the first 100 members, and an extra Kleeper for each 100 above that. First business will be the election of an Imperial Wizard, who will then to elect remaining members, then to determine who be elected to Cabinet. The ladies will do the same but in a different room in the same building, as well as adopt a Constitution. Document signed by the Special Klonvocation Committee.

Scrap paper to a Mr. Jamison

Addressed to a Mr. Jamison, writer is stating that their remittance of $1.50 has been received, and their membership card is being sent from "head office". Signed by a "W.H. Hutchison"

Letter addressed to a Mr. O. Elliott

Addressed to a Mr. O. Elliott in Toronto, ON. Wishing Elliott well and hopes they are recovering. "In taking this matter up with our Ealted Cyclops he is of the opinion that Tuesday would not be a good day for the ordinary business man account of the week end..." Suggesting to reschedule their meeting. "Upon return to office I shall be glad if you will let me have the membership statement I spoke of". Explains they are not able to go up to the city with their delegation, but they are hoping to meet the "executive Committee of the Imperial Kloncilium" and hopes the conference will be productive of a complete understanding and resumption of activities here". Signed "Yours in the Sacred Unfailing Bond", no signature.

Bulletin #31

Title reads: "To All Geni, King and Major Kleagles, Kleagles, Imperial Representatives, and Citizens of the Invisible Empire". First, that the bulletins be read to entire Klans carefully; Two, "should any alien petitioner for citizenship in the Invisible Empire ever be refused citizenship, and therefore rejected, the Kligrapp of the local Organization thus rejecting must at once notify the King or Major Kleagle or Provincial Headquarters [...] The King or Major Kleagle must at once notify all Klans within his or her realm, so that the alien rejected may not petition elsewhere and be received"; Three, requesting better care to reports and orders for equipment, that all Kleagles must report every Saturday night to National Headquarters and Provincial Headquarters; Four, "to use official Robe Order Forms", and to include the Klan number, Unit, Realm, and Local Address of Klan; Four, that the open air ceremonial season has passed, and that approximately 130, 000 people had attended: "new are back in our closed Klaverns and we should expect many thousands of new members between now and the coming of spring"; Five, at the "second Annual Session of the Imperial Kloncilium", the Imperial Wizard emphasized the importance of practicing scrutiny with each other, and greater secrecy throughout the Invisible Empire; Six, to see following bulletin about Quadrates and "Klannishness"; Seven, request from two or three source asking that the minimum Klectoken Fee be made $12.00 instead of $10.00, and that $2.00 so for the treasury of the local Klan. Thus need a vote; Eight, "Teaching: The Klan at Work", to "organize the Exalted Cyclops and Terrors into the following groups, (a) Executive group, Exalted Cyclops, Klaliff, Klokard, Kludd, Kligrapp, and Klabee; (b) Kloranic group, Kluda, Night Hawk, Klexter, Klarogo; (c) Investigator and Advisory group, the three Klonkann; (d) Military group, the Klaliff is ex Officio Colonel of the military machinery. If he is not a military man, he ahs the authority to appoint a military man to work with him in perfecting the military machinery; (e) Program Committee, The Klokard is ex Officio chairman of the various crafts and professions; Nine, list of recommended subjects for "serious study", including Romans Chap. 22., Analysis and discussion of the oath, Secrecy and Obedience, Loyalty, History and meaning of Protestantism, Law and Order, Education, Home building, "Our Boys and Girls", Mobilizing our Anglo-Saxon-Protestant Man Power, Good Citizenship, Immigration, Klannishness, Charity, White Supremacy, The Enemy Within - The Dones - The Weak-kneed - the Traitors - Radical Members; and Ten, a warning, "The Knights of Columbus of New Haven are sending out a circular from one disgruntled and discredited party named Percy, of Washington Co. Miss.", that "this is old propaganda, and there is nothing to it". Signed "The Invisible Empire - Knights (and Ladies) of the Ku Klux Klan of Kanada".

Bulletin #37

Addressed to the "Faithful Klansmen and Klanswomen of the Ku Klux Canada". Clarifies that since Klonvocation at Toronto on Jan 17 and 18, that C. L. Fowler and Joseph Ballons have been banished, but since then has been claiming his innocence: "Dr. Fowler makes a great shout about having given his whole Body and Soul to this Order. Our answer is that to finance him for twenty-two months cost the Order $10, 995.84. As a commercial transaction, two had the worst of the bargain. If there are any more American Bodies and Souls for sale at the same price, we are not in the market!" Also mentions the "audacious" attempt of Fowler to associate with their "Number" and their "Great Seal" in order to "further deceive" and commit other "unprincipled activities". Ends with the statement: "My Body and Soul is not for sake, but I am truly and heartily in accord with every true Klansman and Klanswoman who is resolved that the K.K.K. of K. shall continue to stand for the advancement of those high Moral and Christian principles of our Constitution". Signed by George Marshall, Imperial Wizard.

Funeral Ceremony for All Departed Klansmen and Klanswomen

Titled "Funeral Ceremony for All Departed Klansmen and Klanswomen". Reads First, all those who participate in the ceremony must be robed; Two, those in the procession must make and hold the sign of "Klan Loyalty", or the sign of the Quadrate, which is also the sign of Klannishness; Three, they must march in single file to the grave, whereby t he Exalted Cyclops will end and carry the mounted flag, followed by the Kludd carrying a Bible opened at Romans 12th Chapter, followed by the Klaliff holding the Fiery Cross, followed by the Klonkard carrying an unsheathed sword, which he carries in "perpendicular salute, point upward, and directly in front of him"; Four, the procession will march slowly around the grave twice, stopping so the Kludd is directly at head of the grave, and the presiding Kludd, or Minister, will direct time of lowering casket or filling grave; Five, stand quietly and hold sign of Klan Loyalty with heads bowed, where the Kludd will read Romans 12, 1-8, and all will say "Non Silba Sed Anthar" at the end; Six, in a "slow solemn voice", will recite "God give us men", then the Cyclops will say in a "slow deep voice", "Faithful Klansmen and Klanswomen, just such a man has gone from us to join the Invisible Host beyond ... God be praised for him"; Seven, sing "Nearer my God to Thee"; Eight, the Kludd will lead in prayer and conclude with Amen; Nine, led by the Kludd, the Quadrate will face the flag and salute and will "make sign of Fiery Cross as they face it", then return back to the grave and raise their left hand to salute to the grave, saying in unison "Farewell, brother Klansmen, rest in peace until the resurrection morning"; Ten, Led by the Kludd, then the E.C., Klaliff, and Klokard, they will step to grave and put a "red flower" down, "symbolic of sacrifice", and all others will do the same and place "white flowers", "symbolic of purity", then all bow and make a sign of Quadrate for a moment of silence; Eleven, setting the flag fat the very edge of grave corner, and the Fiery Cross at the other edge, the Kludd will raise his left hand over the grace and say "And now may the God of all grace, who brought forth from the tomb our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the resurrection and the Life, be, and abide with you all, now and forever more, Amen"; Twelve, after the Amen, the E.C. will lead the procession from the grace in same manner he led them to the grave. Notes at the end that all robing and disrobing "must be done out of sight of all spectators".

International Correspondence Schools Instruction Paper: French

Cover reads "International Correspondence Schools Instruction Paper: French", Part 7, Conversational Lessons XIII-XIV, from the International Textbook Company in Scranton, PA. The number 318 G-2 is on the bottom. Inside the booklet are "lessons" for practicing French phrases and sentences. In the back are recommended supplies for students for learning more.

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